I love you from the perspective of a Narcissist

I love you from the perspective of a Narcissist

Having a relationship with a narcissist can be confusing sometimes to many of us, the narcissist victim is torn between believing and denying, don't know if he/she should believe what the narcissist is saying or not specially if  the narcissist traits are shown.

many of narcissists victims still believing that they were in love, even after breaking up with their ex-narcissist, and many who are still in a relationship with a narcissist refuse to think of leaving because they think that Narcissist can love their partner or family.

What are Narcissist traits

In the dating stage or in the beginning of the relationship the Narcissists will show passion, this passion is directed at the victim's projections, so the victim will provide more attention to supply the narcissist ego.

The Narcissist needs an emotional supply from his victim, this is why he use his emotional intelligence to perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions.  As a result he can manipulate other people and his goal is to win their love and admiration.

You will find that the Narcissist brag to be respected, loved from everyone, he may talk about himself as if he is the center of the universe,  His charm and social skills allow him to make a good first impression. Narcissist knows how to show great interest in romance.

Narcissists are not able to fall in love, the reason is they see others as objects who are here only to supply their emotional needs, so they don't really care to what will happen to partner once they break up because they focus on themselves only.

Narcissist show jealousy if there is someone else in the center of the attention, they will start to critic this person all the night, they will also critic anyone who doesn't give them attention.

Narcissists don't accept criticism and it may lead to narcissist rage, you will also face Narcissist rage
once you challenge him or call him out on his bad behavior,

Narcissist rage

can be intense anger and aggression, you can see it when he  doesn’t get his or her way, or when the narcissist is criticized even if it is made in reasonably way.

Narcissist rage will be shown if the narcissist doesn't have enough attention from everyone around him or if he caught breaking rules or violating social norms.

If he is asked to be accountable or take responsibility, also when you remind him with his lie, manipulation, inadequacy or talk about a situation that makes him feel shame.

Normal men will not feel angry if their girlfriend or wife asked for breaking up, but this is a good reason for the narcissist to be aggressive because he will feel that he is not in control of the relationship, he will not be angry because he is about to lose his love,dream or family but he will feel angry because he is losing control of the relationship and because his mind doesn't accept that there is someone who doesn't want to be with him.

Some of them focus only on  their goals but if they develop positive feelings toward their partener, this feelings will be based on friendship or shared interests. after marriage they may lack the motivation to fake their love so they became cold and angry, also sometimes they will help and support their spouse because this will feed their ego.

Real love is a union of two individuals, When we fall in love, we care for our partner's life, dreams and we try to understand their way of thinking and see the world through their eyes. Love needs attention, respect, support, understanding, compassion, and acceptance. but narcissists aren’t ready or motivated to know and understand others because they focus on themselves only.

Narcissists lack empathy. They’re not able to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others, a Research shows that Narcissists have structural abnormalities in brain regions associated with emotional empathy. Hence, they don't have the ability to respond emotionally or express care.

Narcissists see themselves only and see others as extensions of themselves, they don't see that other people have their desires, needs and feelings.

Narcissistic abuse can be emotional black mail, blame, contempt, criticism, aggression and sometimes domestic violence, their emotional intelligence can help them to manipulate others and exploit them to get what they want but they don't feel guilty and their lack of emotional empathy cause them to not feel  the emotional, physical pain they caused to the victim.

Only less than 5 percent who are diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so don't label any selfish person or abusive partner with narcissism. Some people have some narcissistic traits and most of them don’t meet each criterion of the disorder, but they have NPD traits (e.g., sense of superiority, Manipulation, lack of empathy, ).

The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem

If you think that your partner is a narcissist, then continue reading about the disorder, understand the traits, the more you understand about it,  the more free you will be from taking things personally with your narcissistic partner.

After doing a lot of research you will know that having a healthy relationship with narcissism is almost impossible, because it has one of two ways: End the relationship, or staying in the relationship but reducing the level of emotional contact with him. The second approach may not work because the narcissist is aware of how interested he is by you.

You must understand that you have the opportunity to leave a relationship emotionally first before  leaving it physically. In this case, there’s no more asking for help, no more dinners out. leaving the relationship emotionally can be better option than trying to change a narcissist.

The narcissistic personality can't be change, Unless he has the time, money to go to psychotherapy 2-3 times per week for several years.

I love you from the perspective of a Narcissist

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I love you from the perspective of a Narcissist I love you from the perspective of a Narcissist Reviewed by Admin on November 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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